Portable Suspended Solids 740 Monitor and Soli-Tech 10 Sensor
The 740 Monitor provides, quick and accurate readings of Suspended Solids, Sludge Blanket Level, and Turbidity, via an intuitive menu structure from a totally portable package. The robust IP65 enclosure incorporates a security strap and protective case to prevent accidental dropping, impact damage and abrasion of the display surface. The display itself is a high contrast LCD that has been designed to work over a wide temperature range with no loss of clarity. A rugged carrying case holds the above, together with the measuring probe, cable, battery charger and instruction manual. The 740 Monitor includes capability for up to ten customer programmed user profiles, each defined by site specific calibrations to cater for differences in the effluents being monitored. A retrospective adjustment to the calibration for each site is also possible via a unique menu facility that enables a specific sensor output to be stored in memory at the same time as a liquid sample is taken. The gravimetric analysis of the suspended solids level in the sample is then returned to the monitor as the final calibration figure. Further site calibration enhancement is afforded by the ten-point look up table, that allows the monitor to accurately measure suspended solids in vast majority of applications.
The achievable accuracy and ease of use make the 740 Package ideal for regular checking of suspended solids levels to process or legislated requirements in activated sludge plants, final effluent outfalls, treatment plant inlets, streams and rivers and as a secondary standard to check other on-line and portable instruments.